Smart Robot Control System
Supports Robots from Different Vendors
Integrate specialized functions - like sorting, goods-to-person, picking,
tote-handling, shelf-carrying, automated forklifts and more -
Different navigation methods - like Laser-SLAM, Visual SLAM, QR Code, magnetic stripe, etc.
Map Merge
Merge different map representations from different systems
Enable robots to run together, in the same field collaboratively
Maximizes Control and Efficiency
Multi-robot path planning and traffic control
Prevent congestion and deadlocks
Unify task allocation and dispatching

Points of Interest

Industrial scale engine can control over 1000 robots simultaneously.
Open robot control system platform based on AI algorithms, allowing for real-time system insights from merged vendor systems in one place
Plug & Play for many of the leading brands in autonomous mobile vehicles, including Geek+. HAI Robotics, VisionNav, BlueSword, Quicktron, Seer, Standard Robots and more
Efficiency gains can deliver a 20% reduction in hardware investment
Outsource a sizable portion of IT investment required for integration and commissioning of new, and varied, automation solutions
Realize reduced costs for training, operations, reporting and data analysis - due to reduced duplication of platforms
The Smart RCS Unites Three Solutions

CoEvolution's Smart Robot Control System enables high bay tote picking, tote transport and good-to-person shelf transport systems to coordinate and coexist harmoniously in a single field.
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